
even state中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • A complete address includes such things as zip codes , apartment number , and even state of residence , for the names of many cities are common to several states
  • The olympic motto can not only apply to the individual athlete who makes great achievements in his or her chosen field , but also apply to sports bodies , clubs , organizations and even states committed to the philosophy of modern olympics
  • Today many make the pilgrimage to the basilica of guadalupe , on the cerro of tepeyac , some crawling on their knees for kilometres , or even from their homelands in other cities , or even states , to pray to the virgin of guadalupe
  • Developing neo products with high and new technology is prosperous foundation of the company , it has reseach and developing department of itself , so that the company is developing strong supported with new products , new technology , new craft , now it has integrates with developing , producton , marketing , the comqany has four seriels more than 20kinds of products , such as pigment , dyes , dye intermediate , and raw medicine . 80 % products filled in the gaps in the fields of china , some of it are instead of imported products , as result , it gain many awards of province even state , some becomes famous brand , passed iso9002 quality system attestation in 1999
    公司建有自己的科研开发机构,以新产品新技术工艺不断增强企业的发展后劲,已形成开发生产销售一体化的经济格局,现生产颜料染料染料中间体原料药四大系列共20多个产品,其中80为填补国内空白取代进口的高科技节汇产品,荣获多项国家级省地级新产品奖和科技进步奖,并被评为省部优质产品和名牌产品, 99年通过iso9002质量体系认证。
  • It shows the nanometer particles have automation to make the friction surface in a comparatively even state . 4 ) through tribology chemistry function , the nanometer cacoj and cao particles form a deposited film on the wear scar ' s surface or strengthen the surface through a small amount of metal ca ' s diffusion to improve the friction surface ' s a
    ( 4 )纳米碳酸钙和纳米氧化钙粒子通过摩擦过程中的摩擦化学作用在磨斑表面上形成了沉积膜,少量金属钙通过扩散作用渗透到钢基体表面,形成表面强化层,提高了表面的耐磨性。
  • 其他语种释义
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even state的中文翻译,even state是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译even state,even state的中文意思,even state的中文even state in Chineseeven state的中文even state怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
